Bird Droppings On Solar

Hot Spots on Solar Panels, What they are and how to avoid them.

A hot spot occurs when the current generated in your solar panels, is excessively forcing current into the area of the solar panel that is shaded and it leads to the shaded cell heating up dramatically and a hot spot occurring.

In the case of Bird droppings for example, the intense heat of the sun can cause the acidic bird droppings to burn into the glass of your solar panels, this in turn creating a hot spot formation.

Bird Droppings



Cement Dust

Common causes of Hot Spots occurring include, Bird droppings, Algae, Lichen, Cement dust etc.

The consequences of hot spots going unnoticed, can range from accelerated aging of the solar panels to dramatic fires from the build up of dirt and grime on your solar panels.

Hot spots stress the panels components leading to an eventual degrading of your solar panels cells resulting in not only the power of your panel being substandard, but more worryingly, the safety of the panel and potentially the installation itself being compromised.

Thermography showing Hot Spots that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Hot Spots can cause small to large scale fires.

A Large Fire as a result of Hot Spot Formation on panels.

By implementing a cleaning and maintenance schedule for your solar array with Solar Shine, you are being given the peace of mind, that your solar panel installation is not being unnecessarily compromised due to the build of dirt such as bird droppings, Lichen etc.

Bird Proofing your Solar Panels

Did you know, we also offer Bird Proofing to protect your Solar Panels from Nesting Birds and Seagulls.

Contact Solar Shine today and let us help you, to achieve maximum energy performance and safe guard your investment and rooftop solar.